
Tech help for solo lawyers

Practical, actionable advice for solo lawyers who appreciate the value of technology but struggle to fully leverage its power.

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How to practice from European coffee shops

I recently interviewed a lawyer who went from helping build a multimillion-dollar firm to practicing law from coffee shops in Europe. Sheila Wilkinson helped build a highly successful law firm from scratch. And she did this even before she went to law school. Crazy but true After law school, Sheila created her own successful practice, which she still runs... ...often from coffee shops in the country of Brussels. And more recently Sheila started helping fellow lawyers build their own... search is better than Google

Have you started using yet? I've been using it, and the more I do, the less valuable Google is. And I'm not alone in thinking this. Many hyper-productive people have totally switched to Perplexity. Here’s what one of them says: “When I’m crafting articles for my clients or publications, Perplexity has become my secret weapon. I uncover exactly what I need in record time, with multiple sources served up on a silver platter, ready for deeper exploration." He then adds... "The...

Lawyers have started using virtual assistants to get more of their work done more affordably. And what do these lawyers say about their experiences? They call it “game-changing.” Note the attorney above mentioned hiring VAs in Mexico and the Philippines, but India is another good place to find VAs. These countries have much lower standards of living than more developed countries like United States, Canada, or the U.K. That’s why it’s so affordable. But the reasons for lawyers’ thrill in using...

In times of rapid and fundamental change (driven by technology), it’s vital to stay informed and be ready to adapt. That means becoming a “lifelong learner.” (see e.g., HBR article and McKinsey article) Lifelong learning is not just a buzzword; it’s necessary in today’s fast-changing world. Staying Relevant New information, technologies, and work methods are needed to avoid being trapped in outdated, inefficient ways that will quickly render you uncompetitive or —worse— irrelevant. Whether...

In a fast-changing, hyper-connected world, many of us feel like we don’t fit in. Seeking refuge in groups of people who all think like us and believe what we believe is a trap. The better path is adapting to the modern world, which means… Be curious: Learn about people’s differences instead of instinctively rejecting them. Be empathetic: Try to understand how other people see things, even if their worldview is very different from yours. Be flexible: Be willing to change how you operate in...

Technology has completely changed the way we work, which you no doubt realize. More of us now work remotely, virtually, and asynchronously —processing digital information that travels at light speed anywhere in the world at virtually zero cost. Communication has changed The increasing prevalence of remote work and virtual collaboration. demands new ways of communicating. Adopting new technology is a challenge. But if it makes your life easier, it makes sense to take on the challenge. Big...

If you're in my Inner Circle you know we focus a lot on three important topics: GenAI (e.g., ChatGPT et al.) low-cost outsourcing effective online marketing. Yesterday, we discussed using AI to generate deposition and medical record summaries. Useful AI tool for litigators Nick Chapleau, the attorney-founder of Dodonai demonstrated his software and answered lawyers' questions about its use in practice. Nick explained his software's capabilities, including OCR for non-searchable PDFs and...

If you're interested in how AI will change the way we lawyers work and how it might make us more productive. Read this enlightening article I believe it's a must-read for modern knowledge workers, especially lawyers. A modern productivity expert The article's author, Chris Bailey, is a best-selling writer of several productivity books. In the past few years, I've gotten to know Chris personally, and I find his thoughtfulness truly remarkable. Chris has a deep understanding of how technology...

Stanford University received both attention and criticism for its recent report on generative AI legal research tools from LexisNexis and Thomson Reuters. The report discusses hallucinations, which is the main fear of attorneys using AI now. Lawyers need to understand AI hallucinations, obviously. But we also need to understand something called RAG because this is the thing that's supposed to reduce (or, ideally, eliminate) hallucinations. Can RAG do that for legal research? That's what...

A recent survey asked people if they shared their location with others. Here's what the results showed: 47% said they share with a select few 28% said they never share 23% said they share sometimes Why do people share? The majority (68%) cited safety as the reason. And 26% said it’s a practical solution for letting people know where they are. Then there were 4% who said they use it for fun, and 2% who admitted to just being plain old nosy. What people said Proponents said things like: “My...

Gabriel Marous is a New York business lawyer who runs his firm, which makes extensive use of VAs based in the Philippines. He had to figure out how to recruit, hire, train, and manage his team of 10 Philippine VAs. Now, he helps other lawyers and business owners do the same (so they don't have to go through the trial and error he endured). In the most recent episode of my podcast, Gabriel discussed how he got started, what mistakes he made and overcame, and how other lawyers can take...